The Listly Frequently Asked Questions

The Listly Frequently Asked Questions. The Listly: AI tool for real estate listing descriptions in less than a minute.

FAQ from The Listly

What is The Listly?

The Listly is an AI-powered tool that generates high-quality real estate listing descriptions in less than a minute.

How to use The Listly?

Using The Listly is simple. Just provide the necessary details of your listing, upload property images, and let the AI generate compelling descriptions. You can choose from the generated options or customize them based on your vision.

How long does it take to generate a listing description?

The Listly generates real estate listing descriptions in less than a minute using advanced AI technology.

What information is needed for generating a description?

To generate a description, you need to provide the listing's address, basic attributes, listing type, property type, and any notable features about the property or surrounding area.

Can I customize the generated description?

Absolutely! You have the option to choose from the generated descriptions or provide feedback to customize them according to your specific vision.

Are the descriptions SEO optimized?

Yes, The Listly's descriptions are SEO optimized. They include relevant keywords to enhance the search engine visibility of your listings, increasing the chances of attracting potential buyers.

Is there a free trial available?

Yes, The Listly offers a free trial that includes one listing generation.

What payment options are available?

The Listly provides monthly and annual payment options for different pricing plans, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs.