Shipixen Frequently Asked Questions

Shipixen Frequently Asked Questions. Shipixen: An app to generate customized boilerplates for your product or any website and deploy it to Vercel. AI tool for efficient development.

FAQ from Shipixen

What is Shipixen?

Shipixen is a powerful app that automates the generation of customized boilerplates for your product or any website. It also simplifies the deployment process to Vercel.

How to use Shipixen?

To use Shipixen effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Create a customized Next.js boilerplate that reflects your branding, theme, and desired pages.
  2. Generate the code and obtain an SEO-optimized website.
  3. Deploy the project to Vercel effortlessly.

What is Shipixen exactly?

Shipixen is an exceptional app designed to generate boilerplate code customized for your needs. You have complete control over the code and can modify it as desired.

What do I get if I pre-order?

By pre-ordering Shipixen, you gain a 50% discount on the final price and receive a 1-year license. Additionally, you will be among the first to access the app upon its release.

How does the license work?

The license is valid for one year. After this period, you have the option to renew it if you wish to continue using Shipixen.

How many websites can I generate?

With a valid license, you can generate an unlimited number of websites using Shipixen.

How does the blog work?

The blog functionality in Shipixen is built using Next.js and MDX. You can write your blog posts in Markdown, and they will be rendered as HTML on your website.

Is Shipixen using TypeScript?

Absolutely! Shipixen is developed using TypeScript, ensuring enhanced reliability and productivity.

Where can I deploy the generated code?

Shipixen automatically deploys your generated code to Vercel. However, since you own the code, you have the freedom to deploy it on any host that supports Next.js.

What's the tech stack in the boilerplate?

The boilerplate is built using React, Next.js 14 with App Router, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, and MDX powered by Contentlayer. The UI library utilizes Shadcn UI, and the icons are sourced from Lucide.

Can I use Shipixen for payments, Stripe, etc.?

Currently, Shipixen does not include payment integration in its output. It focuses on creating landing pages, blogs, and pricing pages. However, you have the flexibility to add the desired payment integration yourself.

What platforms will Shipixen work in?

Shipixen is currently compatible with macOS. However, the team is actively working on developing a web version of Shipixen to broaden its platform compatibility.