Elephas Frequently Asked Questions

Elephas Frequently Asked Questions. Elephas: The world's first AI writer, Elephas, is a personal AI writing assistant for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Streamline your writing tasks with this powerful AI tool and save time effortlessly.

FAQ from Elephas: AI Writer - Streamline Writing Tasks

What is Elephas?

Elephas is a personal AI writing assistant for Mac that helps users save time and streamline their writing tasks. It is the world's first AI writer that works across Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

How to use Elephas?

To use Elephas, first sign up for the free trial. Then, download and install the DMG file and enter the license keys. Once installed, Elephas can assist you with various writing tasks across your favorite applications on your Mac.

How is Elephas different from other AI tools?

Elephas works as a writing assistant across all Mac applications and uses your own OpenAI keys for maximum flexibility. You pay for what you use, and we respect your privacy by not storing or analyzing your text content.

Is Elephas privacy-friendly?

Yes, Elephas respects your privacy and does not store or analyze your text content. However, the content may be sent to OpenAI for processing, so please review their privacy policy for more information.

Why do I need an OpenAI account?

Elephas uses your own OpenAI key to tap into the full potential of GPT-3. This allows for greater customization and eliminates monthly credits or limitations. Setting up an OpenAI account only takes a few minutes.

Is there a free trial?

Yes, there is a 30-day free trial available for Elephas.

Does Elephas work on Windows?

No, Elephas is currently supported only on Mac.

How much does Elephas cost per month?

Assuming average usage, the monthly cost for Elephas is $5. Additionally, there may be additional costs based on individual usage of the OpenAI key.

Does Elephas support languages other than English?

Many features of Elephas support popular languages, but the Rewrite feature does not. However, you can define tasks in your language using Snippets.